Open or laparoscopic surgery
Open surgery is performed through a vertical midline or horizontal incision in the abdomen.
Colonoscopy and polypectomy
A Colonoscopy is used to assess the health of the large bowel (colon and rectum).
Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC
Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC is maximally invasive surgery for peritoneal malignancy.
Anorectal Physiology
Anorectal physiology is a series of tests that are performed to assess the function of the rectum and anus.
Banding of haemorrhoids
Banding of haemorrhoids (also known as rubber band ligation) is a common procedure for moderately sized haemorrhoids.
Drainage of perianal abscess
Drainage of perianal abscess is a simple procedure to treat a perianal abscess.
Hernia Surgery
Hernia surgery is determined on an individual basis: every patient is different and your surgeon will discuss with you what is the most appropriate surgical approach for you.
LIFT Procedure
The LIFT procedure (also known as Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract) is a relatively new procedure used in the treatment of anal fistula.
Rectal prolapse and pelvic floor procedures
Rectal prolapse procedures are divided into abdominal procedures and perineal procedures.